the voices guide us and they lie // if we listen we will die

Mittwoch, November 21, 2007

Wasserbillig, Luxembourg

Wasserbillig, Luxembourg
Ursprünglich hochgeladen von Hendrik Harms

Dienstag, August 08, 2006

myself in Southpark

Mittwoch, März 15, 2006

09.03.-13.03.06 - our trip to the swedish capital

Last weekend Mandy and me went to Stockholm, visiting our friend Kolja. As you can see on the pix below we had a real good time and Kolja took real good care of us.
He was almost like a mother AND a tour-guide in one person...fantastic!!!

Enjoy the pix and please forgive me for the thematic chaos, but im just to stupid (and to lazy) to sort all the pix in blogger...

Thx a lot again Keuli! And next time we'll come to Sweden in the summer ;-)
Thx a lot also to Megane for inviting us to a very tasty, canadian pancake&bacon breakfest at the "sense of everything cabine" (nr. 42...this is for insiders :-)

greetz to all and specialy to the nice people we met at the solna campus,

pix with people on it (stockholm)

Stockholm Impressions (unsorted) - 12.03.06

Sigtuna Impressions (oldest City in Sweden) - 11.03.06